Monday, June 30, 2008

Nelly... Yessir

For those that don't know...

I have a huge thing for Nelly. I don't know why, well I do. It's because I'm not blind. Boy has body, I like that. Boy has ways about him. He looks like he knows what's up. So dammit I want to know what's up too. I'm trying to collab. Get down to business. Create with him, artistically. I want to see his creative process. Hell, I just want to see him. I want to see his process for a lot of shit. But this is the most PC. Without stating the obvious. The obvious is the whole sexual side of it. Hell yeah I think he's sexy, but as an artist, I'm just looking forward to trying to set something up so we could get in the studio together.

He's an artist that I want to work closely with. I just like to watch. Wow, this sounds so damn dirty... It's meant in the purest way possible. I don't mean for it to sound freaky or anything. I am actually a Nelly fan. I just really think he's hot, so while everything he records isn't my favorite, I sure do love seeing the videos. And that's why Nelly is so damn awesome.

He's 1000 hotter than many of these other guys out in the world. That's the dream I guess. Hell, it really was the dream the other night. This guy right here. I'm glad no one has told me I talk in my sleep. I think that would be a little weird. Especially with the dreams I have. You might want to wake me up before anything really gets started. I guess nothing is official until I have a dream about it. For some reason, Nelly has been there for a minute. You're a winner babe. So, this is just because I want that. I was thinking as a Christmas gift, but my birthday is sooner (his too). So just hook that up. I want the man pictured above. With that same look. Don't bother getting him dressed up, it's a novel idea, but so not what I'm interested in. E.I.

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... Yeah man.

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