Tuesday, June 10, 2008

In the Middle of a Heatwave

Shit, I hate when it's hot.

Yo yo yo!!! It's crazy hot right now. I'm about to pull the dumb move and leave the house at the hottest point of the day, essentially. So I'm about to gear up and get out. Y'all be cool. I'm already
trying. Got a new slogan poppin' off, I think it's a keeper: Hydrate or die!!! LMAO!!! So I'm downing 5 glasses of water before I leave. LOL!!! Sike, why the hell would I do that? Have me rushing to the nearest restroom. Who knows though, I'm beat browsing. Hip Hop don't slow down for some heat. Brave it, and do hard. So that's what I'm going to do. Peace all!!! Read the damn blogs!!!

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... "TS4F"

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