Saturday, June 7, 2008

50 Years Ago...

Someone more awesome than my damn self was born.

That person was Prince. That's right, Prince. The musical genius who has done enough for 3 generations to enjoy. Just about 30 years in the game professionally and he's still packing arenas. He enjoys doing clubs and after spots after his larger shows for the intimacy of it all. The man that inspires me to write shit that means something. The man I listened to from the time I was a baby, to now. The man who has changed and evolved so much over the years, yet remained the same Prince that many of us love to this day. The man that even said [paraphrasing] "to hell with what people want me to do, I make the music I want to make." Fought his label, his haters, shot films, did soundtracks, dated like a champ.

This man had more posters on people's walls than Jordan in his prime. Don't believe me? Go pop in the DVD of "Romeo Must Die" and notice the big ass "Purple Rain" poster on Aaliyah's wall. You can catch Prince posters in the background on Degrassi. You can catch Prince posters on the most dedicated Prince fans' walls. Even when we didn't know what to call him, we knew he was still the greatest thing to touch music in a long time. And it's still standing. I can't imagine what his creative process is. I would love to see him in action. The man plays damn near every instrument WELL. Not just for personal knowledge of it, but because he wants it on his album. Who gets paid to do what for Prince? Rarely will you see Prince coming out of the pocket unless he's paying his band.

Style is a whole other category for him. There isn't anyone with more style. More unmistakable style at that. You can't say that someone has branded their legacy better than Prince. He didn't force it, it came naturally. With all of the costumes, hairstyles, genres of music, the way he is... That's all just who he is. He's not some guy who gets bored and says "Time to change this". Everyone has noticed the changes he has made. Clothing is now no longer optional. He isn't as out there as he used to be. He's still adorable. Very sweet, and charming beyond compare. Even at 50, he'll take your girl. Don't think so, then she must not be a Prince fan, because I strongly doubt you look anything close to better.

Prince is an icon, a legend, and my hero. I love him for everything he does. Wouldn't change anything about him. Not even his height. Damn it, it's cool. I like his walk. He has a pretty cool bop. It's in rhythm. Like he's thinking of a song or something. Plus the heels are actually providing a little beat for him. 3 decades worth of kick ass music. His life has been an enigma, and a spectacle all in one. I for one, know some things, and then there are other things that are kept away. I dig it. His mystique adds to his sex appeal. Why let them know everything? Then you don't need me anymore?

And you knew you weren't going to get off without hearing about the sex appeal. Even at 50, young girls are diggin' on Prince. I'm 20... Who cares? Prince is still doing the damn thing. The music speaks for itself. He's got a very sexy mind. Even when he's not being overtly sexy, something about him is still screaming it. Maybe that's just what I think though. Prince reading a book would probably be sexy to me. Although it wouldn't be unlike me to find reading sexy. I read... You should too. Flawless beauty and just an overall pretty man. Yeah dammit I said he was pretty. He is. He knows. You know!!! You might not say it, but to say it's not true is a lie.

This could go on forever. My admiration and slight crush on him is just too much. This is a special day to me. 50 years ago my man Prince Rogers Nelson was born, and he is still banging. New Power Generation, New Power Soul. No videos to post, because he said enough that Youtube shit, but I still love him. Just know I did this for him. You rock babe, you won't see this, but hey, I just wanted t say that I still dig you. And you're very hot for 50. You said you found the fountain of youth, I believe you.

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... A Prince Fan!!!

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