Friday, June 13, 2008

Carter 3 Sucks Balls!!!

Yeah, I said it.

Possibly the easiest thing to say. First of all, everyone who waited for this is a loser. A huge LOSER!!!Really, this is what you waited for? And then, nearly a million of you douche bags went out and bought it? As if it was something you had to have. Like it was something good. Like Illmatic or something. Uh, you bought it like people buy bonds. Like this shit was going to get better. It was going to collect interest. It was going to appreciate. You bought it like you would buy something that makes you money. Considering the fact that no rap album I have ever bought has made me money, it's not that important for me to run out, in the middle of a heatwave, to purchase, when I know a week from now, a month from now, a year from now, that shit will still be in stores.

You assholes acted like this was the only chance you would have to purchase this album. When in all actuality, nearly everywhere was overstocked. They anticipated a big turnout, and they didn't want to lose any money. So some store has 215 copies of it... And you're acting like a hurricane is coming and instead of buying supplies and food, you bought a Lil Wayne album. I hope your fucking house gets swept away by the tide. And the roof is torn off just as you pop your shitty little Carter 3 into your player. To those itunes douche bags, I hope your ipod bursts into flames. Shuffle that BITCH!!!!

Is this what we do? Waste money on possibly the most overrated album of the past 20 years? YES, 20 YEARS. I have never heard more people pretending in my life. This album is being dubbed "classic". ARE YOU PEOPLE SMOKING CRACK? Why don't we make Mike Jones' "Who Is Mike Jones" a classic too. And while we're at it, throw in Hurricane Chris, whose fucking logo is a TORNADO!!! Yep, Hip Hop is saved. The bottom feeders are winning. Because that's how it goes. I'm all for rooting the underdog. I am. When everyone loved Jay Z, I was riding for DMX. Even now, I'm riding with DMX, his last few releases have lacked the impact of his first set, but everyone has a rough patch and a couple of misses. But here's the thing: This nigga isn't an underdog. There's no one going against him in a sense. They're all convinced that he is one of the best rappers alive. AND IT'S A LIE!!! Wayne doesn't suck complete balls at rapping, but lately he has. In fact, before he started rapping like a damn text to speech modulator he was okay. Nigga sounds like he smoked to many cigarettes and had a hole put in his throat. Awkward pauses don't make the shit tight, they make it irritating.

Now I already have a blog about how much Lil Wayne sucks. The link for it is: "Defending Hip Hop Part 5" That was indication that I didn't think he was a decent artist at the time. I still don't like him. Nigga is not that impressive. Why do people think he is? Because he raps like he's done nothing but coke for 3 days? Bouncing around in his damn videos looking like a dread locked scarecrow. Shit is worse than bad. It's awful. It's Lil Wayne. But enough of this shit. I just hadn't ranted in a while. No I don't have anything out right now, but that's not because I'm not good, it's because I'm broke. I don't have someone like Brian Williams in my corner, ear, ass, and pocket. No one to pay my studio fees and make sure I record all the music I want. That nigga does. See why he's out releasing albums and I'm not? No, you don't. You think I'm hating. FUCK WHAT YOU THINK!!! And that's the moral of the story. Nighty-night bastards!!!

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... No Homo (Something Wayne would do!!!)

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