Friday, July 25, 2008

Mulling it over

Today was an alright day.

Finally bought that big ass book of Shakespeare. Currently reading "The Tempest". That should be a good one. I guess that I really wanted to read some shit that I hadn't read before. Plus, the good shit about it is, I don't have to worry about ignorant ass people typing in stupid shit about this new material I'm checking out. Not really new because my man isn't able to write any new shit. But, I'm going to enjoy it. The Sonnets are what I was going for, but 37 plays, his poetry, and all of the sonnets is not bad for $20. I'm looking at this as a good deal. This shit is awesome. Another alright thing about today, I got to write some lyrics. And really get into a groove. I've been in some sort of fucked up mood. I didn't feel like writing. Actually, as you may notice, I'm blogging less. This blog is getting more love than my myspace blogs. I need to get off of my ass and do that "DHH Part 9". Coming soon. I swear to you. I can't keep bullshitting.

Another good thing... I thought a lot about shit today. Watching this documentary: Black In America. I wondered, why none of that bad shit happened to me. Realistically, I had as many disadvantages as I had advantages. I don't live in a perfect community, and I'm damn sure not in college. I'm not on drugs, a drug dealer, not in a gang, not pregnant, and I don't really do anything more than get up, go to work, come home and bullshit on the internet. I also thought about considering college. I think I would go, just to prove to the nonbelievers. Just as a symbolic "shut the fuck up" moment. It would be pivotal in The Legend of Gangsta Cru. LOL!!! I'm a legend, or at least I want to be one. 3 things for you to do, I feel sleepy so I'm ending this:

Cop that David Banner!!!
Cop that Killer Mike!!!
Cop that Nas!!!

Until we next meet... Holla at me.

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... Yawning

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