Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Sleepy as all hell

That's real.

Hey, thought I'd lay a blog down. Ain't shit changing but the date on the calendar and time on the clock. I don't know why, but my days fucking suck. My nights are regular... My ass is sleeping!!! Got to get in as much practice as possible. That shit is hard considering I'm going to be at work from 10 am-5 pm. Guess I'm going to quarantine myself in my room. Need to blast some music and zone the fuck out. Only the strong survive and I haven't made it this far to give up. Of course, relatively speaking, I haven't made it too far to begin with. But fuck it, yo. I don't ask niggas for shit. I don't beg niggas for shit. I respect y'all and what y'all do, but I'm not the one. Let me say it like Cube, I ain't the one. The shit as far as asking niggas for help isn't out of the question, but shit, niggas flatter themselves. They think because you ask them to do shit, that you're conceding or some shit. I'm not saying I support Obama, but the only way you can compare me to Hillary Clinton is for the fact that I'm a woman. Fuck what you heard, I don't concede. Fuck who votes for me in the primaries. I'm not the fan favorite. What fucking fans? I'm on my shit again. Who really notices though? All I ask is that you read the blog and visit the Gangsta Cru Music Page

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... I'm Just Warming Up!!!

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