Thursday, August 6, 2009

The General Theme...

Like the picture up top? I do.

Well world, blogging was more "spur of the moment" when I started those YEARS ago. I'll do my best to give you the highlight series of Gangsta Cru blogs. It's going to be a lot of work. I have to take them from myspace and do all of these damn links. All 8 1/2 parts of "Defending Hip Hop" will be included. Some of my more personal blogs will be featured as well. The poetry is coming here too. All things written... Maybe even a verse or two shall be yours in a matter of weeks.

The general theme of this blog is, as previously stated, not to kiss anyone's ass. There is no one I will ever praise to the point of looking like a jackass. The only time I "go out of my way" is regarding Prince. He's the exception. That's my idol. It's not ass kissing, it's appreciation. (make your "Prince-wears-assless-chaps joke here. Now knock it off!) This blog is to simply lend you my perspective on certain issues. Feel free to argue your points. I admit, I'm as stubborn as the day is long, so I'm not at all easily swayed. I'm honest, I will not lend my 'Words & Thoughts' to complete, utter, tasteless bullshit. I do not make a habit of that either.

This is not a literary blog. This is not a diary. (That's why I write rhymes.) My blog's purpose is to show you what I think and how I think. Don't misunderstand, I like to write, but I like to write what exists in me. Any confusion you may see in my writing is because I haven't outlined and prepared a rough draft. Some of the posts may offend you, may even contain foul language. That's how I get down. I will not apologize. My words and thoughts are uncensored. That's how it is in my mind, and this is a written layout of that very intricate place. Mind also works in conjunction with my heart. If I don't really FEEL something, chances are you won't see me writing. And that's with everything: rhymes, poetry, blogs, etc.

Quick Rundown before I leave:

Name: Sheena (aka Gangsta Cru or Goddess Cru)
Affiliation: Lyricist
Greatest Loves: Writing/Hip Hop/Prince
Dislikes: Oh really now, there just isn't enough room.
Favorite Music: Prince, Ice Cube, New Edition, Styles P (I'm weird like that)

I'll see you on the next post... Dutches.

Peace, Hip Hop & Purple Rain. O(+>

Gangsta Cru... The Lady & The Lyricist

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