Monday, August 31, 2009

Untitled Love Poem

My heart hurts with intensity of the worst migraine
My pain stems from seeing love reduced to nothing but mindgames
Something with a shelf life, best used in a time frame
Forever seems much shorter nowadays, how radically have the times changed
No love is etched in stone, it's merely scrawled in sand
Just as stars fall out their sky, so falls his hand
Who holds onto nothing more than a false ideal
Grasping at the mirage you once thought was real
The frost reveals itself, though now her hearts concealed
It's cold year round, just imagine the kind of crops you'd yield
I'd imagine nothing surviving the early winter in her veins
As I decompose my compositions shall hold onto my remains
My soul to be contained in canisters, I've banished her
Tamed the wild child, formerly sliding down the banister
Manage her extreme views on love and the dying dream
Pour every ounce on this page, sooner than cry a stream
A pool from a puddle and a lake from a leak
You're from the world that doesn't understand the language I speak
A pool from a puddle and a lake from a leak
Stuck in the world that doesn't understand the language I speak

Peace, Hip Hop & Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... Love Is

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The General Theme...

Like the picture up top? I do.

Well world, blogging was more "spur of the moment" when I started those YEARS ago. I'll do my best to give you the highlight series of Gangsta Cru blogs. It's going to be a lot of work. I have to take them from myspace and do all of these damn links. All 8 1/2 parts of "Defending Hip Hop" will be included. Some of my more personal blogs will be featured as well. The poetry is coming here too. All things written... Maybe even a verse or two shall be yours in a matter of weeks.

The general theme of this blog is, as previously stated, not to kiss anyone's ass. There is no one I will ever praise to the point of looking like a jackass. The only time I "go out of my way" is regarding Prince. He's the exception. That's my idol. It's not ass kissing, it's appreciation. (make your "Prince-wears-assless-chaps joke here. Now knock it off!) This blog is to simply lend you my perspective on certain issues. Feel free to argue your points. I admit, I'm as stubborn as the day is long, so I'm not at all easily swayed. I'm honest, I will not lend my 'Words & Thoughts' to complete, utter, tasteless bullshit. I do not make a habit of that either.

This is not a literary blog. This is not a diary. (That's why I write rhymes.) My blog's purpose is to show you what I think and how I think. Don't misunderstand, I like to write, but I like to write what exists in me. Any confusion you may see in my writing is because I haven't outlined and prepared a rough draft. Some of the posts may offend you, may even contain foul language. That's how I get down. I will not apologize. My words and thoughts are uncensored. That's how it is in my mind, and this is a written layout of that very intricate place. Mind also works in conjunction with my heart. If I don't really FEEL something, chances are you won't see me writing. And that's with everything: rhymes, poetry, blogs, etc.

Quick Rundown before I leave:

Name: Sheena (aka Gangsta Cru or Goddess Cru)
Affiliation: Lyricist
Greatest Loves: Writing/Hip Hop/Prince
Dislikes: Oh really now, there just isn't enough room.
Favorite Music: Prince, Ice Cube, New Edition, Styles P (I'm weird like that)

I'll see you on the next post... Dutches.

Peace, Hip Hop & Purple Rain. O(+>

Gangsta Cru... The Lady & The Lyricist

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I haven't blogged here for a YEAR?

What up, yo? I'm coming back to this place real soon. Gotta transfer some blogs from the myspace. Just to get folks familiar with my style. This is not a blog about celebrities. No new pics from artists, and it's not to kiss ass and be in folks good graces. My blog is MY fucking blog. It's about me, my words, my thoughts, and MY LIFE! So stay tuned because real soon the rants return and this girl has some things to say. So get used to me attempting to be here. I'll do my best to give 'em hell. *Wink & the gun* As you were...

Peace, Hip Hop & Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru... Where is My Mind?

Note from the Editor (LMAO): Just so you know, All of the blogs will contain something crucial about ME! My tastes musically, criticism of myself, as well as other artists. I will not get crazy and post a bunch of music by people, there will be reviews, my interpretations of certain things, and the occasional backslide into a random rant. You might not remember, but there was little series called "Defending Hip Hop" way back when I was a myspace junkie. Bear with me, I will let you know when there's something new here.

Peace, Hip Hop & Purple Rain O(+>