Sunday, October 28, 2007

More and More...

I'm finding nothing in my path but disappointment. I see things coming at a faster rate, and I can't seem to dodge them. They continue to happen, you know? And if I were to make sense of it all, I would have an easier time enjoying life. But they aren't for me to understand right now. I don't get any of it, happy? Not the lack of love, not the disappointment, not the loneliness, not even the boredom. I feel blank most days, but I get by with the help of music. Put something on and save my soul. Wouldn't want to blow my whole day being pissed off over what I can't control. So yeah, I'm in need of a better understanding of myself, and others are free to help, until then... I'm gone.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Welcome to my World!!!

If this was an accident...

Leave now people. I'm here too. I'm going to have some fun here. I have about 4 running blogs and they all say different shit. That's dope. I'm a writer. So feel it. I'm not a journalist, but I have qualities of one. I take things in and I give the world the story. Currently writing the story of my life. yes world, I'm a lyricist. I do this shit well. I'm a monster on beats. I'm currently drawing up the game plan. So give that time. All over myspace for that. Dig and get to know the page. The blog is popping, but I need y'all to support the page. Until next time, I'm gone.