Monday, April 7, 2008

I'm in the Zone

What up???

I feel as though I'm making things come together with great ease. I have been in a groove lately. I don't need other people to create the buzz or generate the needed intensity to write. I gets busy!!! I feel as though I should keep my mind on the music. Chasing niggas isn't something I go about doing. Run your race people. You can do whatever you want, but I'm going to do my shit on my terms. These people who rely on others to make them happy and keep them sane, are bound to go crazy. People never really please me. So when my feelings and emotions get tangled up in various shit, I have to blame myself. People are un-fucking-reliable. They just are. That being a fact, I really only want to concern myself with business. That way the people I am involved with know that the fuck is up. My money/time can't be wasted, and neither can yours. Right? Makes sense to me. But people want friendships and other stupid shit to happen in life. Friends, can't say I have too many. Just people I find pleasant and like talking to on occasions. But note: My phone barely rings during the week. So even if I did consider them friends, wouldn't these people suck as friends? Yes, they would suck as friends.

I'm trying to get somewhere in life. And friends might just slow me down. Family I will make time for. But fuck friends. They let you down and then want a pass for it. I don't really like people that let me down. I can't imagine anyone liking that feeling. When someone fucks your whole life up, it's not a good feeling. Friends tend to do that shit. So I don't allow people to think they have a chance at fucking my life up. You don't want me as an enemy, but you don't have me as a friend. And I think they understand that shit. I don't call, you don't call. Whatever. Just don't try to know me when I have shit occurring in my life that I don't want your shady backstabbing asses involved with. That way, we can spare ourselves the awkward run ins in the future. You knew my name, may have even had my number, but you niggas/bitches never knew me. Think about it.

Peace, Hip Hop, and Purple Rain

Gangsta Cru