Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March... Going to Waste

Who's there???

I mean honestly, I can see a room, but I don't hear anyone in it, and I don't think there is anyone is this room. What's that about? Who's there??? Am I walking into every room and finding myself standing alone? Check the real shit, "17 Days" by Prince. That song is cool. I love it. It connects with me. I know people who complain about being "lonely". They claim they're lonely more than they should. They hang out with people and do some shit with their friends, but they're lonely. Huh. Now this is them being lonely. My reality is being alone. I'm alone for real now. It's not a "I choose not to e around people" thing. I don't invite myself to hang out with people. That's rude. But they don't invite my black ass either. Are we even? Nope. Prince said this chick has been gone for "17 Days" and he just wants her to come back, but she's too busy to notice. Yet she always complained about loneliness. I feel alone. I don't say shit. It's just not what I do.

Been alone for more than "17 Days". Been alone for so damn long, I'm used to the normality of the loneliness. Still isn't a good feeling. I want some shit to do. Need to get a job, but no one is hiring. Fuck it. So March is going to waste. I'm losing it. I just want April to get here. Rain seems appropriate. It's not fucking up my plans to go out. So be it. What I want, is just for someone to say "you aight?" "You want to hang out or some shit?" "You shouldn't be alone." "Let's chill, you don't need to be alone." I'm always alone... Hurtful shit.

Peace, Love, and Purple Rain.

Gangsta Cru

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Can't wait for things to happen...

You really can't.

I have to get out there and make shit happen for myself. Nobody is giving out deals. Well, they are, but not for the right reasons and damn sure not to the right people. Deals are going to the most marketable and not the most lyrical. More or less, you don't even have to have decent lyrics for a deal. That shit just isn't required. Do you have a single? Can we market you? And is your fanbase broad enough to appeal to everyone? Plus you have to have a ringtone package. It is what it is. I have to be hungry. I have to be ready for rhyming at all times because I'm not feeling this "you ready" attitude that people hit me with. Shit has got to change. I'm not waiting.

Peace, Love, and Purple Rain.