Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Open my heart, soul, and mind...


With music. I am deeply involved with music. I love it. It can bring me great joy, but can also move me to tears. Crazy stuff. I'm good when there is music involved. Life without music wouldn't mean shit to me. I can count the things I love on one hand. My family, Music, Food, and Art. Four things. I don't think I made it so that I never loved anything more, but it is possible to love something else. I think I do, but I don't want to offend any third parties. My thing to love might be someone else's and I don't need the damn drama. You can't "have" him, but while you do, enjoy him. Wishing nothing bad to him, because I kinda love him, but if he's happy, I can only try to be happy for him. That's my world... Peace.